Thanks for distance healing

11. 4. 2013 000 15:54

Hello sir,
I would like to write at least a few words to express my gratitude for seeing me about a year ago, in a very difficult family situation, for accepting me among your patients and sending me since then energy using your distance healing.
Last year this energy helped to overcome the lost of my husband and I can confirm that from the month of July, after i stop my distance healing with you and the sending of energy, my life has changed a lot. I was always in a bad mood, I hardly wore clothes on on and I used to have depression and felt that i could not handle that life further. That’s why I decided to restart the distance healing with you. It was like regaining a positive momentum, as if I re-energized my life and therefore I managed everything quite well.
Ever since I adopted of your method of energy sending and will continue to be under your treatment in the future.
Once again, thank you very much.
I wish you much success and many satisfied patients.

Sincerely Mgr. Radmila B., Brno | Czech Republic